
Configuring the theme

Sharing the config.toml used in this website:

# Better code higlighting
# via
pygmentsCodefences = true
pygmentsStyle = "vs"

# Integrations
googleAnalytics = "UA-XXXXXX-XX"
disqusShortname = "your-disqus-shortname"

# Hightlight theme
  style = "github"

# Allow HTML rendering inside markdown
  unsafe = true

  # Show intro in the home page (with headline and description)
  intro = true
  headline = "This is a headline"
  description = "A minimalist theme for Hugo, build with Tailwind CSS."

  # Copyright note in the footer
  copyright = "Copyright © 2020 Someone"

  # Image in the homepage. You can setup a different image for social media
  cover = "images/vancouver.jpg"
  ogImage = "images/og_image.jpg"

  # Social media usernames
  github = "XXXX"
  twitter = "XXXX"
  linkedin = ""
  email = ""

  # Avatar (shown in the homepage)
  avatar = "images/avatar.jpg"
  # Bio is shown in the end of posts
  authorBio = "Bento is a doggo who likes to code. Follow him on <a href=''>Twitter</a>"

# Items in the top menu
      name = "About"
      url = "/about"
      weight = 1

      name = "Archives"
      url = "/archives"
      weight = 1

      name = "Source code"
      url = ""
      weight = 1

Avatar photo Bento is a doggo who likes to code. Follow him on Twitter TwitterTweet
